
  • 3 Reasons Why You Need Concrete Kerbing Between Your Driveway and Your Landscaping

    A well-paved driveway and beautiful landscaping can make a home look wonderful, but if you want both your drive and your lawn to stay looking their best, it's important that you keep them separate. A border of concrete kerbing (also known as concrete edging) is one of the most effective and attractive ways to do so. Here's why a concrete kerb barrier between your driveway and your landscaping is so important.
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  • 3 Rooms to Add for Your Custom Home Build

    When you create a custom home design for you and your family, you likely think of certain rooms automatically. For example, you think of the kitchen as well as the bathrooms and bedrooms. You may also think of a family room and dining room. There are three rooms you may not think of during the design stages. Here are three rooms to add to your custom home design build and why you should add them.
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  • How to pick the perfect town-planning consultant

    The value of hiring a town-planning consultant is often overlooked when you are creating a development. You have architects to prepare your plans and a team of builders standing by ready to start the construction process, but who will pilot your design through the various stages of the planning process and ensure that the needed approvals are granted? A good town-planning consultant can be the difference between a development that forges ahead on schedule and one that remains stuck in the planning process for years or maybe even gets abandoned because too many objections were raised.
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  • Kitchen Splashbacks – Get Creative with the Following Exceptional Materials

    Kitchen remodels usually are characterised by significant overhauls such as opening up the space, re-flooring the room and so on. However, not all renovations have to be at a large scale. Small changes to your kitchen can also go a long way in making the room more functional as well as bolstering its visual appeal. While ceramic splashbacks are a staple for Australian kitchens, this material does not provide much of a visual impact.
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  • 5 Things to Consider When Situating and Building Your Verandah

    Verandahs are a beautiful addition to a home, and you can construct them as part of your original home design or add them on later if your budget doesn't allow at the time. You can use them to entertain guests, have a meal outside on a warm day or enjoy the sunset at the end of a workday. Whatever the case, how you place and construct your verandah will determine how much use you'll have of it in the future.
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  • 4 Tips to Prevent Blocked Drains in Your House

    Dealing with blocked drains can be messy, disgusting and sometimes harder than it sounds. In fact, if you don't have the right plumbing tools, it's best to leave the task to an emergency plumber. The best way to avoid all these problems is to prevent the clog or blockage in the first place. Preventing clogs in your drains doesn't have to be a daunting task. However, many homeowners have little knowledge when it comes to doing that.
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  • 4 Top Considerations When Building Your Home for the Cold Climate

    Building your new home can be an exciting experience. However, the whole process can be quite overwhelming too especially if it's your first house. Building a new home is a costly affair, which is why you need to be careful when making decisions about its design. You need to design a house that will be practical for years to come. One crucial element you need to think about when designing your home is the climate.
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  • Tubular Fencing: The Advantages

    Everybody needs a fence around their home for privacy, security and even aesthetic purposes. However, the endless options available in the markets can make your search for the ideal fencing for your home quite challenging, especially if it's just your first time being involved in a fence installation. One of the popular types of fencing you will come across is known as tubular or tube fencing. Unlike the conventional types of fencing that rely on solid posts, tubular fencing comprises a series of hollow tubes made from a specific material, usually metal.
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  • Three Practical Tips for Managing Your Rental Equipment

    Construction, commercial and industrial worksites require a lot of specialised equipment for efficient completion of the work. Under ideal circumstances, the needed machines and other assets for the specific processes would be purchased. However, this option is not financially feasible. Therefore, if you are planning on conducting a large-scale industrial or construction project, you will need to hire some of the required equipment. Hiring is ideal because the immediate costs are lower.
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  • 2 tips for those who want to add an extension to their home

    When done to a high standard, home extensions can add a lot of value to properties and make them a lot easier to sell. If you're thinking about building an extension onto your home, you may find the following tips to be helpful.  1. Find some temporary accommodation to stay in for the duration of the extension process It is generally best to live elsewhere whilst the extension is being built.
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