5 Things to Consider When Situating and Building Your Verandah
Posted on: 30 August 2018
Verandahs are a beautiful addition to a home, and you can construct them as part of your original home design or add them on later if your budget doesn't allow at the time. You can use them to entertain guests, have a meal outside on a warm day or enjoy the sunset at the end of a workday. Whatever the case, how you place and construct your verandah will determine how much use you'll have of it in the future. These are some things to think about regarding your verandah.
1. Where is the sun?
The orientation of your house can significantly improve energy efficiency as well as dictate the amount of light needed in every room of the house. The verandah usually stretches outside your living room and sides of the house, depending on how much space you have. Ideally, before laying out the house plan, you should talk to an architect to find the best orientation for your house depending on the prevailing climate in your region. The direction of the verandah also follows the same rules.
2. Do you want potted plants?
If you plan to have many potted plants, it's important that your plants receive the nourishing morning sun and are protected from the scorching afternoon sun for best growth. Therefore, an east or northward-facing verandah will serve perfectly. If this isn't possible, you may have to take the plants into the early sun and then move/shield them away from scorching summer heat to preserve them.
3. What obstacles do you face?
The size of your verandah will definitely be limited by the amount of space you have on your lot. It is especially difficult when the original plan didn't include a verandah, so it's being added around pre-existing features. Obstacles that must be considered include the septic tank, plumbing/sewage lines, trees and flower gardens.
4. What are the regulations?
Check with your local council on whether you're allowed to construct an extension on your lot. For a new building, you verandah will be pre-approved in the house plan, so you don't have to worry about it. Are there any specifications about size or construction materials?
5. What will you use it for?
A verandah has many uses, and this largely dictates the size and construction materials that should be used. For instance, if you're planning to use it for entertainment purposes, the size must accommodate the number of people that will use it. If you want to use it as a drying area for laundry, don't install wooden floors, as they'll be ruined by the dripping laundry. If using it as a children's play area, ensure that the sides are shielded properly (you can use a railing or construct a short wall) and consider wooden floors which are warmer (and quieter).