Why It Is Always Better To Do A Tennis Court Resurface In Winter

Posted on: 18 August 2020

Tennis is one of the most popular sports across Australia, with many communities having several tennis courts available for use, as well as thousands of Australians owning their own, private tennis courts. With this constant use and the tennis courts being located outside, it is no surprise that every once in a while you will need to complete a tennis court resurfacing. This is to stop your tennis court from decaying so much that it affects the foundations, as well as to ensure an even playing surface for the tennis enthusiasts. Here are three reasons why, if you can, you should schedule your tennis court resurfacing during winter. 

Less Rain

Summer is traditionally the rainy season in Australia, and statistics back that up with more rain falling throughout November, December and January than at any other point in the year. When completing a tennis court resurface, one thing that you absolutely do not want is rain because this is when your tennis court is at its most vulnerable. Rain can also slow down the process dramatically, making it take twice or even three times as long. Since winter has more dry days, it is far easier to complete a tennis court resurface seamlessly. 

Lower Demand

Something that should not be ignored is that during winter fewer people play tennis and, therefore, there is less demand for tennis court repairs and resurfacing. If you don't want to wait for a few weeks while your chosen construction company frees up space, then you should book your repairs during the off-peak times. Not only that, but many construction companies offer cheaper prices during the off-peak periods to drum up customers. That means you can find many great deals if you keep your eyes open, saving you a lot of money!

More Efficient Progress

Completing any major construction in the Australian summer can be a nightmare, especially when it is totally outside like most tennis courts are. Not only is the ground exceptionally hot, but the materials you use with can react poorly to direct and extreme sunlight. That means that a tennis court resurfacing in summer is bound to have some sort of delays or, at the very least, take longer than the same job would in winter. No one enjoys having their tennis court sessions interrupted for long periods of time, and if you do these tennis court repairs in winter you won't have to wait any longer than absolutely necessary. 
