3 Critical Rules to Observe for a Successful Home Extension Project

Posted on: 19 February 2020
As a property owner looking to sell, you need to assess your structure before listing it. Most property owners do not know that a simple addition to the property can increase its value significantly. Home extensions are one such addition, and although such a project can be expensive, it is arguably the most surefire way to increase a property's value. However, finding the space for a home extension can be a problem if you have a small house.
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6 Questions to Ask Your Builder

Posted on: 12 December 2019
Would you want to construct a home? If yes, you probably require the services of a builder. The article below discusses a few questions you should ask when hiring a builder. 1. What Is Your Specialisation?  Some builders will choose to specialise in specific types of homes. For example, some may deal with beach houses while others focus on holiday cabins. Ask the builder for his or her portfolio. In addition, you could also ask for a site visit to some of the builder's ongoing projects.
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Why A Knock Down Rebuild Is Generally Preferable To Major Renovations

Posted on: 22 November 2019
If you have lived in your home for a while and are starting to get frustrated with all the imperfections continually causing you grief, then you probably have already planned out exactly what you want fixed and how to do it. You have likely been eyeing a renovation for some time, but a renovation will not give you the peace and quiet you crave. Old houses will always throw up more problems than can be solved, and the truth is if you didn't design or build your house, then you probably will never be fully satisfied with it.
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The Informed Beginners Guide To Decking

Posted on: 22 October 2019
Decks are one of the most recognisable features in any Australia home. Decks come in every size and shape, from ones so vast you could swear they covered the whole backyard to those little bigger than a step. If you are looking to get into decking, there are a few things you need to understand before you start contracting any decking builder to begin the installation. When you understand what goes into owning and maintaining a deck and what types of decking there are, then you will have all the information you need to make a good choice.
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