When Are Retaining Walls Necessary to Protect a Property?

Posted on: 20 October 2021

You might have never had to install a retaining wall on a property before. Therefore, even if you have seen them and have a general idea of what they are used for, you might not know much about them. As a property owner, though, it's smart to know a little more about the benefits of retaining walls and the situations in which they should be installed. These are some of the different situations in which retaining walls are necessary to protect a property.

You Own a Hilly Property

There are many benefits to owning hilly property. Many people find the rolling hills to be aesthetically appealing, for example. However, there are downsides to having a hilly or sloped property, too. For example, you do have to worry a bit more about erosion when you have a property on a hill. Luckily, there are solutions that can help, such as installing retaining walls. Depending on how big your property is and just how sloped it is, you might find that installing multiple retaining walls in various areas of the property is a good idea to prevent erosion.

You Have a Drainage Issue on Your Property

If your property does not have proper drainage, then you might worry about flooding and other issues. If this is the case, then it's important to address the drainage issue as soon as you can. In addition to installing trenches and ditches on your property, using gutters on your home and other structures, and taking other similar steps, you may find that installing retaining walls is a good idea. This can help you avoid erosion while you're still trying to sort out your drainage issue, and it can help you with things like protecting your property from floodwaters, too.

You'd Like to Help Block Out Noise

You might have thought of retaining walls as being primarily useful for erosion-related reasons, but there are actually other reasons why retaining walls can be useful. A well-placed and well-made retaining wall can help you block out noise from surrounding areas. For example, if you live near railroad tracks, putting up a retaining wall in between your home and the tracks can be surprisingly effective at blocking out sound. Retaining walls can also be helpful at blocking out noise from nearby highways and more.

As you can see, there are various scenarios in which installing retaining walls can be a good idea. In fact, these are just a few situations in which installing retaining walls make sense, so you might find that you want to install retaining walls on your property for one or more of these reasons or another reason.
